2018-09-11 重点归纳
A set of teams held a round-robin tournament in which every team played every other team exactly once. Every team won games and lost
games; there were no ties. How many sets of three teams
were there in which
, and
We use complementary counting. Firstly, because each team played other teams, there are
teams total. All sets that do not have
, and
have one team that beats both the other teams. Thus we must count the number of sets of three teams such that one team beats the two other teams and subtract that number from the total number of ways to choose three teams.
There are ways to choose the team that beat the two other teams, and
to choose two teams that the first team both beat. This is
sets. There are
sets of three teams total. Subtracting, we obtain
as our answer.
Let be a unit square. Let
be the midpoint of
. For
be the intersection of
, and let
be the foot of the perpendicular from
. What is
(By Qwertazertl)
We are tasked with finding the sum of the areas of every where
is a positive integer. We can start by finding the area of the first triangle,
. This is equal to
. Notice that since triangle
is similar to triangle
in a 1 : 2 ratio,
must equal
(since we are dealing with a unit square whose side lengths are 1).
is of course equal to
as it is the mid-point of CD. Thus, the area of the first triangle is
The second triangle has a base equal to that of
(see that
) and using the same similar triangle logic as with the first triangle, we find the area to be
. If we continue and test the next few triangles, we will find that the sum of all
is equal to
This is known as a telescoping series because we can see that every term after the first is going to cancel out. Thus, the the summation is equal to
and after multiplying by the half out in front, we find that the answer is
(By mastermind.hk16)
Note that . So
We compute because
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