2018-09-13 重点归纳
AMC 8数学竞赛专为8年级及以下的初中学生设计,但近年来的数据显示,越来越多小学4-6年级的考生加入到AMC 8级别的考试行列中,而当这些学生能在成绩中取得“A”类标签,则是对孩子数学天赋的优势证明,不管是对美高申请还是今后在数学领域的发展都极其有利!那么接下来跟随小编来看一下AMC 8的官方真题以及官方解答吧:
Isabella had a week to read a book for a school assignment. She read an average of pages per day for the first three days and an average of
pages per day for the next three days. She then finished the book by reading
pages on the last day. How many pages were in the book?
Isabella read pages in the first 6 days. Although this can be calculated directly, it is simpler to calculate it as
, which gives that she read
pages. However, she read
more pages on the last day, for a total of
The sum of two prime numbers is . What is the product of these two prime numbers?
Since the two prime numbers sum to an odd number, one of them must be even. The only even prime number is . The other prime number is
, and the product of these two numbers is
以上就是小编对AMC 8数学竞赛官方真题以及解析的介绍,希望对你有所帮助,更多AMC官方真题及学习资料请持续关注AMC数学竞赛网!
上一篇: AMC数学竞赛8真题2014年 5-7
下一篇: AMC考试都适合什么年龄段的学生参加?