2018-08-06 重点归纳
AMC 8数学竞赛专为8年级及以下的初中学生设计,但近年来的数据显示,越来越多小学4-6年级的考生加入到AMC 8级别的考试行列中,而当这些学生能在成绩中取得“A”类标签,则是对孩子数学天赋的优势证明,不管是对美高申请还是今后在数学领域的发展都极其有利!那么接下来跟随小编来看一下AMC 8的官方真题以及官方解答吧:
Starting with some gold coins and some empty treasure chests, I tried to put 9 gold coins in each treasure chest, but that left 2 treasure chests empty. So instead I put 6 gold coins in each treasure chest, but then I had 3 gold coins left over. How many gold coins did I have?
We can represent the amount of gold with and the amount of chests with
. We can use the problem to make the following equations:
Therefore, This implies that
We therefore have
So, our answer is
In the non-convex quadrilateral shown below,
is a right angle,
, and
What is the area of quadrilateral ?
We first connect point with point
We can see that is a 3-4-5 right triangle. We can also see that
is a right triangle, by the 5-12-13 Pythagorean triple. With these lengths, we can solve the problem. The area of
, and the area of the smaller 3-4-5 triangle is
. Thus, the area of quadrialteral
以上就是小编对AMC 8数学竞赛官方真题以及解析的介绍,希望对你有所帮助,更多学习资料请持续关注AMC数学竞赛网!
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